
LUMBER FOR SALE - 850-547-0691

 Yes, we can help you feel comfortable in your home, new or remodeled ~ the Teddy Bear Way! Spruce up the deck, garage, or give those horses the barn they deserve.

BRING YOUR LOGS to us and we will make rough sawn lumber out of them; or plane them down for stain or paint for you to build whatever you want.We will call you when your order is ready for pick up. Or, "Give us a Call ~ We'll bring the sawmill to your place and saw it onsite."


Quality Service is our business ~ you can't do quality quickly.

Patience is needed to get the best.

Troy and Marie Cunningham

are at your service.

Certified Building Contractor

Troy S. Cunningham

Florida - CBC1262838

From the ground up - clearing your lot - we can saw your lumber to your specifications (if possible with the lumber size, shape, etc.)


    BUT there is MORE - We also mould the     lumber for crown moulding, "log-look",

tongue and groove, and more..

How about allowing us to




 a custom-built deck for you?